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Carolina Sepúlveda

[ENG] Carolina Sepulveda is a Doctor of Design candidate at the Graduate School of Design. As an architect, curator, and researcher, her work focuses on queer collective practices within urban settings through a multidisciplinary lens. She holds a Master’s degree in Design Studies from Harvard GSD and a B. Arch. from Universidad Católica de Chile.

Carolina is the founder of sentimental studio, an architecture practice dedicated to examining the role of emotions in the built environment. She is currently involved in “Cruising,” a project funded by the Centre for Urban Studies at the University of Amsterdam. This project explores the intersections of queerness, artistic practices, and urban infrastructure in Santiago and Berlin.

[ESP] Carolina Sepúlveda es candidata a Doctora en Diseño en la Graduate School of Design. Como arquitecta, curadora e investigadora, su trabajo se centra en prácticas colectivas queer dentro de entornos urbanos a través de una perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Posee un Master in Design Studies de la GSD de Harvard y una Licenciatura en Arquitectura de la Universidad Católica de Chile.

Carolina es fundadora de Sentimental Studio, una práctica de arquitectura dedicada a examinar el rol de las emociones en el entorno construido. Actualmente está involucrada en "Cruising", un proyecto financiado por el Centre for Urban Studies de la Universidad de Ámsterdam. Este proyecto explora las intersecciones entre queeridad, prácticas artísticas e infraestructura urbana en Santiago y Berlín.


Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Doctor of Design (in-progress)

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Master in Design Studies with Distinction

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Bachelor of Architecture

Research and Exhibitions

Cruising: Queer Solidarity Practices – Kirkland Gallery, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 2023. Curatorial and Design.

Gente Mala del Norte (Bad People from the North) – Honorable Mention, Chilean Pavilion, 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale, The Laboratory of the Future. Curator.

Cruising: Urban Studies, Art Practices and Queerness - Research awarded by CUS Seed Grant, Center for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2022 – ongoing. Author.

A Monster I Have Never Seen Before – Galería Local Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Chile, 2023. Curator.

Curating Architecture Across the Americas - Harvard University, 2019-2022. Program advancing the study of architecture exhibitions in the Americas, conducted in collaboration with the Harvard David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and the History of Art and Architecture Department. Co-curator with Professor Patricio del Real.

Sacred Women, Navigating the Journey of Latinas towards the United States – Harvard University, 2020. Author.

Love in a Mist: The Politics of Fertility – Druker Gallery, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, 2019. Exhibition exploring the spaces and politics of fertility. Research assistant. Curator: Malkit Shoshan.

Housing, What’s Next? – Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., 2018. Exhibition, conference, and catalog. Assistant Curator.

XX Chile Architecture Biennial, Unpostponable Dialogues – Valparaíso, Chile, 2016-2017. Assistant Curator.

Conferences, Symposiums, Talks

The Dyke Gaze: From Mesmerism to Cruising Practices, at Art, Film, and Visual Studies Workshop, Harvard University, December 2023, and at NYU Cinema Studies Conference holding the gaze, New York, February 2024.

Cruising: Urban Studies, Art Practices, and Queerness, at Harvest Day, Centre for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, February 2024.

Our North is the South: Thinking Architectural History from the South. Symposium presenter. Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, December 2023.

Cruising: The Future is Now. Symposium host and organizer. Organized in collaboration with the Center for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam. Santiago de Chile, July 2023.

Cruising: Urban Studies, Art Practices and Queerness. Presenter and moderator. Hosted by the Master in Architecture, Universidad Católica de Chile in collaboration with the Center for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, December 2021. Speakers: Persona Casa Galeria (La Paz); Kreuzberg Pavilion (Berlin); Espacio Estamos Bien (Amsterdam).

Brazil Speaks! Architecture Culture at Risk, within Curating Architecture Across the Americas Program. Moderator, in collaboration with the Harvard Department of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2021. Speakers: Josemeire Alves Pereira, Maria Cristina Cabral, Sol Camacho, Sabrina Fontenele, José Lira, Renata Marquez, Junia Mortimer, Guilherme Wisnik.

Lo Nuevo, De Nuevo. Arquitectura y Bienal en Chile. Book presentation. Editors: Fernando Portal, Fernando Carvajal, Rayna Razmilic, Pedro Correa. ARQ Publishers. Santiago de Chile, 2021.

Why Architecture Belongs in the Museum Series, within Curating Architecture Across the Americas Program, with Valentina Moimas (Architectural Collections, Centre Pompidou). Moderator. In collaboration with the Harvard Department of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Magíster en Arquitectura (MARQ), Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2021.


“A Monster I Have Never Seen Before,” Kerb Journal of Landscape Architecture, Edition 30, RMIT University, Melbourne, 2023.

“Intervenciones con perspectiva de género en asentamientos precarios de Latinoamérica” (Gender-sensitive interventions in informal settlements in Latin America). In: “Dinámicas familiares de Cuidados en los barrios populares de Argentina. Reproducción de desigualdades sociales, intergeneracionales, y entre géneros”. Inter-American Development Bank, 2021. Editors: Felipe Vera, Andrea Monje, Carolina Sepúlveda.

“Lo Nuevo, de Nuevo: Una reflexión sobre la cultura arquitectónica en Chile” (The New, Anew: A Reflection on Architectural Culture in Chile), Materia magazine, 2021.

“Ciudades como ecosistemas de cuidado,” ED magazine, 2021.

“Una constitución verde para Chile,” coma magazine, 2020.

“Navigating the Journey of Latinas to the United States,” Mexican Cities Initiative at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Editor: Diane Davis, 2020.

(Updated March 2024)